Srimad bhagavad gita bhasya of sri sankaracarya
Srimad bhagavad gita bhasya of sri sankaracarya

May Sir Samkara’s dauntless exposition of the nature of the Ultimate Reality strengthen in us the conviction that man is essentially spirit and it is the forgetfulness of this truth that causes all our misery. We crave the indulgence of the sticklers fro Paninian grammar for this innovation meant for the convenience of the many. We have therefore thought it expedient to split the long phrases, so that each word stands by itself as in English and other modern languages. This however poses a problem to most of the readers who cannot be expected to be familiar with the intricacies of Sanskrit grammar and so are put to the trouble of having to delink the words carefully in order to understand their purport. Warrier for this labor of love.Ī charming feature of the Sanskrit language consists in the linked sweetness of its samdhis words run together euphoniously to form long rolling phrases. The discerning reader will not how the English translation in this book makes pleasant reading without loss of precision or fidelity to the original. Warrier who is an accomplished Sanskrit scholar and also well versed in philosophy both eastern and western has worked in several centers of learning and has to his credit a number of outstanding works like God in Advaita concept of Mukti in Advaita and a Malayalam rendering of Sri Sankara’s Brahmasutra Bhashya. Krishna Warrier Curator, Adayar Library, Madras, Dr. We have therefore great pleasure in presenting this volume with the Sanskrit original edited and translated into English by Dr. There has been persistent demand from our readers from an edition of Srimad Bhagavad Gita Containing Sri Samkaracarya’s commentary on it in the original with a lucid translation in English. He was for some time a Visiting Fellow of the Indian Institute of Advanced Study. He has to his credit several books on Vedanta, two of the most important of them being ' Concept of Mukti in Advaita' and ' God in Advaita'. He is an accomplished scholar in Vedanta Philosophy as well as in modern Western Philosophy. Krishna Warrier, is a retired Professor of Sanskrit and Tagore Professor of the Kerala University.

srimad bhagavad gita bhasya of sri sankaracarya

Krishna Warrier, is an attempt to meet the needs both of Sanskrit scholars, and of those who can approach the contents of the commentary only through the help of the English language.

srimad bhagavad gita bhasya of sri sankaracarya srimad bhagavad gita bhasya of sri sankaracarya

The present work, giving both the Sanskrit text of Sankara's commentary and its exact but lucid English translation by Dr. Therefore, for all lovers of the Gita the interpretation that the great Acharya gave to this Text is of great importance. Not only that, he gave it the status of one of the Prasthanas (Foundation Texts) of Vedanta, and the lead he thus gave has been accepted by all succeeding Acharyas of even schools of Vedanta that are opposed to his school. It was Sri Sankaracharya who first brought it out into prominence from the vast mass of Mahabharata literature, fixed its contents to the seven hundred verses that now constitute it, and produced the first extant commentary on it. Srimad Bhagavad Gita is now widely recognized as a Scriptural Text of worldwide importance.

Srimad bhagavad gita bhasya of sri sankaracarya